Cannabis disorder boosts noncompliance with Schizophrenia Medication

Mental Health | Cannabis use disorder significantly raises the risk of medication noncompliance ...
...among inpatients with schizophrenia, according to a study published online in Schizophrenia Research.
“Medication compliance is a challenge among schizophrenia patients,” researchers wrote, “which has a significant adverse impact on the course of illness.”
Among more than 1 million US adults with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders who were receiving inpatient care, the retrospective study found a 26% medication noncompliance rate.
Significant Rise in Cannabis Use Among US Adults With Depression
Both unadjusted and adjusted analyses identified a significant association between comorbid cannabis use disorder and medication noncompliance. Among patients with cannabis use disorder, odds ratios for medication noncompliance were 1.49 unadjusted and 1.38 after adjusting for covariates, according to the study.

“In addition to case management, an integrated treatment model to address both substance use disorders and psychosis will translate into better long-term outcomes in schizophrenia patients,” researchers advised.