Mental Health | Childhood ADHD may increase risk - Psychotic Disorders

Mental Health | Children and adolescents with ADHD may have an increased risk of a subsequent psychotic disorder (PD)...
...according to a meta-analysis recently published online in JAMA Psychiatry.
The study included 12 cohort and case-control studies that examined the relative risk of developing a psychotic disorder in people aged less than 18 years who were diagnosed with ADHD, totaling 1.85 million participants.
Within the cohort studies, a psychotic disorder caused by another medical condition and mood disorders with psychotic features were not considered among the main outcomes.
"To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis of observational studies assessing the association between an ADHD diagnosis and a subsequent diagnosis of PD," researchers wrote. "Given that PDs have a major functional effect, early detection and appropriate management are essential to improve the prognosis of children diagnosed with ADHD."
Patients need to follow-up with clinicians for treatment even after 18 years of age, researchers said.
Researchers found no significant differences between the analyzed groups according to psychotic disorder, schizophrenia outcomes, cohort or case-control study design, and adjusted or unadjusted estimates. The association remained high for the more restrictive diagnosis of schizophrenia. Sex as a covariate in the meta-regression did not alter the assessed association, according to the study.

"To improve our knowledge, further cohort studies should be conducted. Ideally, these studies would ensure a sufficiently long follow-up to account for the mean age at which PDs develop,” researchers wrote. “Such studies should consider the use of psycho-stimulants and the role of SUD in the causal path between ADHD and PD."