Minneapolis St. Paul Mental Health Blog

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Mental health help

Mental Health | Stopping and Switching antipsychotic drugs is Serious

Mental Health | In general, specialist advice should be sought when stopping or switching antipsychotics.

While antipsychotics are often needed long term, there are circumstances when clinicians, patients and families should reconsider the benefits versus the harms of continuing treatment. Consideration should always involve your prescriber.

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988, the new National Suicide Hotline number | Mental Health Matters

Groundbreaking Developments in Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Service Provision.

In fiscal year (FY) 2001, SAMHSA awarded a competitive, discretionary grant to establish a network of crisis centers that would respond to crisis calls from their local communities, to ensure those crisis center counselors were trained, and that all crisis centers in the network met standards for accreditation.

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Dementia in older Adults | 2/day or 14 drinks a week increases risk

If you drink nearly 14 drinks per week (2 drinks per day) and already suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI),

...you may be at a higher risk of developing dementia than those who enjoy one drink a week, say researchers.
According to researchers from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, among those adults with MCI, the risk of dementia according to numbers of alcoholic drinks per week wasn’t statistically significant, although it appeared to be highest for drinking more than 14 drinks per week compared with less than one drink.
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